Release of Scintilla 0.91 and Tide 0.91

Neil Hodgson neilh at
Sat May 8 00:26:16 EDT 1999

(posted to usenet and mailed)

Bernhard Reiter writes,

> >Scintilla is a free source code editing component for Win32 and GTK+.
> Hmm I tried it for HTML syntax highlighting.
> Does it come with that, I couldn't figure out, how to enable it.

	Tide does not have HTML syntax highlighting yet. It is on the
to do list but may not be completed for quite some time as stability,
performance and cross platform support are currently the top

	To add HTML syntax highlighting to Tide requires writing a
lexer in C++ as it will be quite different to the current set of
lexers. For Windows, another approach would be to copy the Scintilla
integration in PythonWin and combine with one of the current Python
based HTML lexer/parsers to allow editing HTML within PythonWin. I
think this would be a good addition to PythonWin.


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