Python vs. VB

Jason Trenouth jason at
Thu May 20 10:32:33 EDT 1999

On Thu, 20 May 1999 16:36:42 +0200, "Fredrik Lundh" <fredrik at>

> Jason Trenouth <jason at> wrote:
> > Who is Scott Raney?
> oh, just yet another nice guy answering "how to I do
> this in language X" questions with "buy my language Y 
> instead".  scott's a regular over in comp.lang.tcl land...

Well he did ask for any new angles. He went over the old saw about
partitioning work into C/C++ and scripting, which I wanted to point out is
unnecessary. I thought if folks are using Python in the first place then they
are receptive to better ways of doing things. (TCL is just too feebleminded to
bother with. :-j)

I'm not a marketroid. I'm a Dylan developer who is enthusiastic about the
language that I use, and somewhat depressed that people put up with
interpreted scripting languages in order to get interactive development.

I'll cease and desist now if I'm pinning your jerkometer.


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