A Python take on "Programming Web Graphics with Perl and..."

Fred L. Drake fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us
Fri May 7 09:35:27 EDT 1999

Stuart Hungerford writes:
 >  - Using GD for generating GIFs

  There is an extension module that provides a GD interface:


 >  - PerlMagick for controlling ImageMagick

  There's PythonMagick:


and also the Python Imaging Library:


  I've used the later and found it fairly easy to use, but don't know
how what I did compared to creating "Web graphics."

 >  - Charts and graphs with GIFgraph

  Perhaps check with the Plot-SIG (http://www.python.org/sigs/plot-sig/)
for information on joining the mailing list and the SIG charter.

 >  - Scripting the Gimp

  There was a Python plugin for the Gimp at one point, but I never
tried it.  Presumably a search of www.gimp.org will turn it up.

 >  - Creating Postscript documents via Perl

  I think this can be done with Python.  ;-)  You could deal with it
by generating the PostScript text from your application, or you could
implement (or steal) a "writer" object that spits out PostScript.  See


for API information on the formatter/writer machinery.  There's a
PostScript- generating writer implementation in the Grail sources; see


to get a source tarball.


Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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