my loop is too slow

John E. Davis davis at
Wed May 19 06:47:27 EDT 1999

On Tue, 11 May 1999 14:24:39 -0600, Tim Hochberg <hochberg at>
>FWIW: Taking into account Michael Haggerty's observation on that this is
>really a matrixmultiply of (c.f)(c.transpose(f)), I reimplemented the
>original loop as:
>from Numeric import *
>a = a + dot(c, f) * dot(c, transpose(f))

Are you sure about this?  The original code was


summed over all indices.  I would write this as:

  a_ki = a_ki + c_kh c_kj f_ji f_ih
       = a_ki + c_kh (c#f)_ki f_ih
       = a_ki + (c#f)_ki (c#f')_ki

where `#' denotes matrix multiplication and ' represents the
transpose.  So, I would code this as:

  a = a + (c#f)*(c#f')

where `*' represents an element by element multiply and `+' represents
an element by element addition.


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