Pythonwin and Office 2000

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Sun Jun 27 18:04:22 EDT 1999

Paul Prescod wrote in message <377648A7.9B9BE59F at>...
>I believe that Pythonwin is not compatible with Office 2000. Here are some

I havent tried this, although I believe it!

>  File "", line 46, in TestWord
>    if gencache.EnsureModule("{00020905-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}",
>1033, 8,
>0) is None:

This is expected (unfortunately).  Word will have a new typelibrary, and
hence a new IID for the library.  The "fix" will be to work out what the
library ID of the new one is (by using "makepy -i") and changing
to gracefully allow either version.

However, this is a PITA in general, and a less-clunky solution would be

>>>> a=win32com.client.Dispatch("MSWord.Application")
>com_error: (-2147221005, 'Invalid class string', None, None)

That is a strange one :-(

>    def AddOLEObject(self, Left=0.0, Top=0.0, Width=-1.0, Height=-1.0,
>=L'', FileName=L'', DisplayAsIcon=0, IconFileName=L'', IconIndex=0,
>', Link=0):
>Is this "L" syntax a future syntax for Unicode that Python 1.5.2 doesn't
>support? Perhaps PythonWin should test for support for that syntax before
>it generates the Python code?

Eeeek.  I have no idea where that is coming from.  I havent added special
Unicode features anywhere.  This _is_ a strange one!

I hope to install Office2000 and IE5 soon, but until then Im not sure I can
do much :-(


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