win32api RegisterWindowMessage, GetMessage?

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Thu Jul 8 03:58:34 EDT 1999

nekotron at wrote in message <7lvs7i$fri$1 at>...

>The problem I'm having is that I see no way with Python to be able to
>get this message.  I can use RegisterWindowMessage to create the message

Or just use win32con.WM_USER

>and pass this to the program so it knows where to Post to, but I can't
>figure out how to get this message.

This message would be processed as part of the "message loop".  Python.exe,
pythonw.exe etc dont have one.  Tkinter does have one (thus python.exe,
pythonw.exe get one when using tkinter!).  I have no idea how you would
process a custom message, but Im sure it could be done.  Pythonwin can
definately do it, but I wont bother explaining until I know you need it :-)


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