another beginners tutorial

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at
Wed Jul 28 11:36:22 EDT 1999

I am writing yet another absolute beginners tutorial 
for Python. (Actually its supposed to be language 
independant and does use BASIC and Tcl too but it 
majors on Python!)

I would appreciate any feedback from real newbies to 
programming - the aim is to get you up to speed so 
you can use the 'official tutorial' that comes with 
the Python download (or indeed the Java. Tcl Perl etc 
tutors too).

What distinguishes it from the other existing intros 
is that it tries to go into more detail on the concepts 
and only teach generic methods(for list access/searching etc) 
rather than Python best practice(slicing etc).

Its about 40-50% there, the url is:

Please send feedback to me by mail at:

mailto:alan.gauld at

Alan G.

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