API question -- decref after adding to dictionary?

Fred L. Drake fdrake at cnri.reston.va.us
Wed Jul 28 12:12:42 EDT 1999

Rich Salz writes:
 > The API documentation doesn't seem to say what the functions do to
 > object references.  Am I missing it, or do I really have to read the

  This is a matter of completeness; the API docs just aren't "there"
yet in this regard, and the time to devote to adding the information
hasn't been available.
  In the meanwhile, I'd certainly be glad to receive patches which
added the information to the API reference.
  I do hope that this isn't a deciding factor as to whether you use
Python.  The discussions of reference counting in the API and
Extending & Embedding manuals do try to explain the approaches taken
in Python and reduce the pain significantly.  I've written a number of 
C extensions myself, including one very early in my experience with
Python, and haven't had a lot of difficulty with it.  (Note: I did
*not* say I haven't had any difficulties!)


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	     <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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