sites offering free webspace & Python scripting...?

Alex Martelli alex at
Tue Dec 7 10:17:07 EST 1999

I've looked in the FAQ's, but couldn't find this info...:

are there sites offering free web space, _and_ the
ability for the site maintainer to write Python 
server-side scripts for the web pages?

(CGI would suffice, although, no doubt, faster ways
would be preferable).

I know of quite a few suppliers of free webspace that
offer no scripting whatsoever, and a few that allow
Perl scripting, but I'd really like to do my scripting in
Python instead (for reasons I'm sure I don't have to
explain on this newsgroup!-).

Thanks in advance for any response... my newsfeed
appears to be very flaky these days, so e-mail Cc's of
any posted responses would be highly appreciated.


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