[OT] OpenSource Python Books?

poet at linuxports.com poet at linuxports.com
Thu Dec 30 13:18:36 EST 1999


I know this is off topic but I represent LinuxPorts.Com and I have been
approached by a printer to help them publish OpenSource books. What we
were wondering is if there is a desire for the Python documentation in
printed form? We would also include a CD with the Python binary
distributions on it and any extra Python software that we can.

We have also decided that if we print these books that we will be giving
a portion of the Gross profits back to the OpenSource community
and would like to know "who" that community is when it comes to

Please go to http://www.linuxports.com/ and cast your vote for the
Python book if you are interested.

Joshua Drake

<PROJECT>LinuxPorts     - http://www.linuxports.com     </PROJECT>
<WEBMASTER>LDP          - http://www.linuxdoc.org       </WEBMASTER>

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