Widget set for curses?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Wed Dec 8 11:00:34 EST 1999

In article <slrn84rktg.v8c.wtanksle at hawking.armored.net>, William Tanksley wrote:

>>Are there any python widget sets that use curses (or slang)?
>I think Redhat uses one called 'newt'.  It's not extremely
>functional or anything.

I'll have to try that -- IIRC, newt is what the text-mode RedHat
install utility uses, so that should be fine for what I want to

>There's a Curses port of wxWindows which works with
>1.something; if you used that, you'd have a good chance of
>working with graphical displays as well, when possible.

That's probably overkill.  I expect that what I'll end up with
is a limited UI for text-mode version, and a more flexible one
with a Pmw UI if X is running.  (There are two distince groups of
end-users for the program.)

>>Simple stuff like radio buttons, entry fields, buttons... I was
>>hoping for something like the newt or cdk libraries.

>CDK is just about the neatest thing I've seen for curses.  A
>Python port would be tres cool.  And then also a more
>sophisticated OO Python port.

I worked on a CDK-based project (in C) for a while during the
summer, and it has potential.  I had a mostly complete
generalized screen traversal engine that worked, but I'd only
added the required support methods to a handful of the widgets.
Most of the widgets didn't work right when they didn't have a
border, and I hadn't gotten all of those fixed either.

Then I changed jobs...

CDK is partially object oriented already, and that needs to be
extended to more of the widget functionality.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  My uncle Murray
                                  at               conquered Egypt in 53
                               visi.com            B.C. And I can prove
                                                   it too!!

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