First Tkinter application. Comments please?

Matt Gushee mgushee at
Wed Dec 22 20:55:29 EST 1999

Gerrit Holl <gerrit.holl at> writes:

> I just created my first Tkinter.Canvas application.

Hey, that's fun! Next you can do a Python version of the classic
Breakout game :-)

> class App:
>     def __init__(self, root):


>         self.root = root

My preference would be subclass App from Tk, but I'm not sure it's
necessarily better. There are probably arguments on both sides.

>	  self.root.mainloop()

Usually not a good idea to do this in your __init__ method. See below.

>         # What's better: this, or binding <KeyPress> and ignoring everything
>         # that's not a keycode of one of these?

One or the other, depending on what you're trying to do ;-) You seem
to have mixed the two approaches, so that you're recognizing each
keystroke twice -- once to invoke the bindings, and again within

Which is better in any given application depends on a number of
factors, such as:

* How many keystrokes you use, and how you use them (e.g. if you were
  making a text editor, you would want your keybindings to be as
  specific as possible, to avoid invoking event handlers when you're
  just typing text -- whereas in, say, a game, you can assume that any 
  keypress is intended to execute some code)
* How much code is shared between the different keystroke actions.

Of course, as you probably know, in a program of this size it really
doesn't make much difference.

>     def move_it(self, *args):

A conventional way of doing this is 

      def move_it(self, event=None):

AFAIK you will only ever get one argument other than self, which is
the event info object. And calling it 'event' makes the code easier to 


           if event is not None:
               if event.keycode == UP:
                   self.draw.move("it", 0, -1)
               elif event.keycode == DOWN:
                   self.draw.move("it", 0, 1)
               elif event.keycode == RIGHT:
                   self.draw.move("it", 1, 0)
               elif event.keycode == LEFT:
                   self.draw.move("it", -1, 0)

> App(Tk())

Have you noticed how many Python modules (the well-structured ones)
have a section at the end like:

if __name__ == '__main__':

    spam = DeadParrot()


My version of your app would have:

if __name__ == 'main':  ## detects that this module is being run as a
                        ## stand-alone script.

    spam = App()  ## App being a subclass of Tk

This way, you have a portable class definition which can be imported
into another app without trying to mainloop() itself -- because main
windows should normally be created at the application level -- or you
can import it into the Python shell and experiment with the window
interactively -- but when you run this file as a script, it gives you
a nice little demo.

Hope that's not too much criticism. I like your concepts a lot!  

Matt Gushee
Portland, Maine, USA
mgushee at

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