__init__ keyword param for sub-class?

Fred L. Drake, Jr. fdrake at acm.org
Thu Dec 23 14:17:59 EST 1999

Grant Edwards writes:
 > I want to sub-class something that takes one positional and a
 > whole slew of keyword arguements when the object is
 > instantiated, and I want to add one keyword argument (keyword
 > 'myoption' in the below example) to be handled by my method,
 > and pass the rest on the the super-class.  I couldn't find any

  That's what I've always done.  There is at least one proposal to
extend the call syntax to make the apply() unnecessary, but it's not
in the core (though I seem to recall a patch to actually implement
  I think your example would become:

class execWindow(Pmw.ScrolledText):
    def __init__(self, *posArgs, **keyArgs):
        if keyArgs.has_key('myoption'):
            self.__myoption = keyArgs['myoption']
            del keyArgs['myoption']
        return Pmw.ScrolledText.__init__(self, *posArgs, **keyArgs)

  I think it would be nice to have a way to specify that an argument
*must* be given as a keyword parameter, and have it never be filled in 
from positional parameters.  Perhaps something lispish:

    def __init__(self, *posArgs, **keyArgs, :myoption):
        self.__myoption = myoption
        return Pmw.ScrolledText.__init__(self, *posArgs, **keyArgs)

  I don't expect anyone would actually want to overload ':' like that, 
and I don't really care what character is used, but this functionality 
would be *very* nice to have; I've had to do the dictionary whacking
just often enough that I think it's really a fragile way to do it.


Fred L. Drake, Jr.	  <fdrake at acm.org>
Corporation for National Research Initiatives

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