__init__ keyword param for sub-class?

Grant Edwards grant at nowhere.
Thu Dec 23 14:06:12 EST 1999

I want to sub-class something that takes one positional and a
whole slew of keyword arguements when the object is
instantiated, and I want to add one keyword argument (keyword
'myoption' in the below example) to be handled by my method,
and pass the rest on the the super-class.  I couldn't find any
examples of this type of thing, so this is what I came up with:

class execWindow(Pmw.ScrolledText):
    def __init__(self, *posArgs, **keyArgs):
        if keyArgs.has_key('myoption'):
            self.__myoption = keyArgs['myoption']
            del keyArgs['myoption']
        return apply(Pmw.ScrolledText.__init__, (self,) + posArgs, keyArgs)

    [ various other methods and stuff ]
Is this the "right" way to do this?

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I just got my PRINCE
                                  at               bumper sticker... But now I
                               visi.com            can't remember WHO he is...

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