Tkinter/IDLE crash

Tim Peters tim_one at
Wed Dec 15 01:21:13 EST 1999

[dg, running Python 1.5.2 on an NT box; Tkinter._test() yields ...]

> an error messages that says init_tcl cannot be found.  However the
> list of places that the program is looking for init_tcl bear no
> relation to where it was installed.

Post the exact text of the error msgs, and tell us where init_tcl *is*

> I've checked the registry entries for Python and they appear to be
> ok according to what is published at

The msg about init_tcl is coming from Tcl, not Python.

> Any ideas where to look next?

See above.  Your Tcl installation is damaged; there's not enough info here
to say exactly how; the usual cause is that some previous of installation of
Tcl is confusing the new Tcl installation; since it's a Tcl problem, there's
not much Python can do about it.  Here's something to try:

1. Uninstall Tcl.

2. Do a dir/s from the root of every drive on your machine, looking for
   tcl*.dll and tk*.dll.  Destroy every one you find (or just rename
   them, if you're chicken <wink>).

3. Reinstall Tcl.

hasn't-failed-in-two-consecutive-tries<wink>-ly y'rs  - tim

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