Java 1.2 and JPython

Jim Althoff jima at
Wed Dec 1 20:38:53 EST 1999

All of our JPython development is being done using
Java 1.2.2.  We have not hit any problems that are
related to Java 1.2.2.


At 12:18 PM 12/1/99 -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:

> >>>>> "sdossett" ==   <sdossett at> writes:
>     sdossett> Does JPython 'fully support' Java 1.2?  I've scoured the
>     sdossett> web-site and haven't found much information on this.  I
>     sdossett> read the NEWS section and it said that JPython 1.1
>     sdossett> supports Java 1.2 style Collections... but does it
>     sdossett> support everything else?  Suppose this might be a newbie
>     sdossett> question - but I'm moving a system using JPython from
>     sdossett> Java 1.1 to Java1.2 and wanted to be sure there were no
>     sdossett> issues.
>I develop JPython on Solaris using 1.2 and it works fine for me.  I'm
>not sure what issues you're concerned with.  It'll certainly work with
>all the standard 1.2 Java packages, and there are a few other features
>of JPython that are only available when using Java 1.2 (since they
>can't be implemented onto of 1.1).

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