Java 1.2 and JPython

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw at
Wed Dec 1 12:18:45 EST 1999

>>>>> "sdossett" ==   <sdossett at> writes:

    sdossett> Does JPython 'fully support' Java 1.2?  I've scoured the
    sdossett> web-site and haven't found much information on this.  I
    sdossett> read the NEWS section and it said that JPython 1.1
    sdossett> supports Java 1.2 style Collections... but does it
    sdossett> support everything else?  Suppose this might be a newbie
    sdossett> question - but I'm moving a system using JPython from
    sdossett> Java 1.1 to Java1.2 and wanted to be sure there were no
    sdossett> issues.

I develop JPython on Solaris using 1.2 and it works fine for me.  I'm
not sure what issues you're concerned with.  It'll certainly work with
all the standard 1.2 Java packages, and there are a few other features
of JPython that are only available when using Java 1.2 (since they
can't be implemented onto of 1.1).


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