X display visual

Randall Hopper aa8vb at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 9 12:57:23 EST 1999

Ivan Van Laningham:
 |>  |2)  winfo_visualsavailable() doesn't work on Windows.  I can find out
 |>  |the depth and get the visual string back, but I can't use
 |>  |winfo_visualsavailable().  Here's the traceback:
 |> Interesting.  IIRC, MSWin users are going to be limited to one visual at a
 |> time.  The original poster was referring to a UNIX/X box so it'll work for
 |> them.
 |Yes, but he was testing stuff for me to make sure that the examples for
 |my book work on other systems than what I've got ready access to.  Even
 |if M$ users are limited to only one visual, winfo_visualsavailable()
 |should return that single visual properly.  Not puke on people's shoes.
 |It looks like the TCL call is returning a string instead of a tuple, so
 |the parse() call is expecting the tuple and pukes.  It would really be
 |nice if it just worked.
 |As it is, I have to wrap the call to winfo_visualsavailable() in a
 |try:except or test the OS first.  Either way, it's excess code that
 |shouldn't have to be there.

Agreed.  I suggested Piers Lauder submit a Tkinter bug report.  Not there
yet, so feel free:



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