A Plea For A Return To Sanity!!!

Tim Peters tim_one at email.msn.com
Fri Aug 27 00:06:19 EDT 1999

[Ivan Van Laningham]
> 1)  If the Perl yahoos would quit cross-posting flaming bags of shit,
> it'd be over.

Actually, I'm afraid my reply here (as well as yours) keeps it going.

> 2)  Now that Tom C has left for more fertile pastures, we have been
> visited with Mr. X.  I wonder if we have 5 more visitations to go?

If they're as funny as Mr. X, we can only hope.  You should read Xah's posts
again!  They're a good parody of the worst of "Usenet Attitude" postings.  We
may have a potential Python convert there <wink>.

> 3)  The real reason for this newsgroup/mailing list is, ipso facto,
> the discussion of Python.  I don't care for having to put on my
> asbestos bunny suit just to read my mail.

Well, I read all of 'em, and they really were mostly about Python.  Besides,
Tom's very public misunderstandings are a *great* base on which to build a
"Python for Perlers" FAQ.  Python isn't self-evident at first glance, and it's
good to relive the initial confusions through his articulate eyes <ahem> (you
may not have liked how he phrased things, but there was no doubt about what he
was saying -- that's good writing).

or-is-this-a-competition-to-see-who-has-the-thinnest-skin?-ly y'rs  - tim

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