NT: win32api and win32ui import error

Mark Hammond MHammond at skippinet.com.au
Sun Apr 18 23:38:11 EDT 1999

Gordon McMillan wrote in message <1287633267-17041836 at hypernet.com>...
> msvcrt.dll v 5.00.7303
> ole32.dll v 4.00
> oleaut32.dll v 2.30.4265

Mine for NT are identical, except msvcrt, where Gordon's is MSVC 5 and mine
is MSVC6.  Build 124 will install MSVC6 DLLs, and Gordon stated he isnt
there yet.

For Windows 98, I have:
oleaut32.dll 2.30.4261

What I know is:
* Anyone who sees during installation something like "The COM object could
not be registered" will have some problem once installed.  This problem can
be boiled down to:
- "import pythoncom" fails - COM wont work, but most other things will.
- "import pywintypes" fails - almost every other "import win32*" statement
will also fail.  Almost nothing installed will work correctly.

My anecdotal evidence so far is:
* Many people who encounter this error do so because old versions of
pythoncom15.dll and pywintypes15.dll are still hanging around.  I dont
understand why the installer is doing this to me :-(
* Almost all the rest are solved by installing the OLE update referenced at
my pages, or installing IE4.
* Bernhard is the only other case.  He seemed to have 1 machine where
ole32.dll was version 2, and whatever he did, the DLL could not be upgraded,
deleted or removed.  We both gave up there.

No one else has given me any information to believe there is more to it than
that.  If people have problems that can't be explained by the above, then I
really want to hear from them.

Ive attempted to put all this into a new "Installation Problems" document,
linked from the downloads page.  The address is
for any constructuve (or otherwise :-) comments...


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