permissions on win32 [Q]

Mark Hammond MHammond at
Wed Apr 21 06:22:09 EDT 1999

NT security is a bit of a black art.  Build 124 has

The next question will be how to create a security descriptor - here is some
sample code.

[Oh damn - just realised that pywintypes.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR() doesnt
actually exist in 124 - it will in 125.  sorry - you will probably get stuck
here...  But Ill still post it as reference for build 125 and later]


def CreateSD(userName):
 sd = pywintypes.SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR()

 sidUser = win32security.LookupAccountName(None,userName)[0]
 sidCreator = pywintypes.SID()
 sidCreator.SetSubAuthority(0, ntsecuritycon.SECURITY_CREATOR_OWNER_RID)

 acl = pywintypes.ACL()
 acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(win32file.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, sidUser)
 acl.AddAccessAllowedAce(win32file.FILE_ALL_ACCESS, sidCreator)

 sd.SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(1, acl, 0)
 return sd

Bruno Mattarollo wrote in message
<001201be8ba6$f2f706e0$6eba0ac8 at>...
> I have to do a little script for a customer that will copy files from an
>server to another. I need to change the permissions on those files and
>directories. I mean, I need to give privileges to groups like
>Administrators, the user that owns the files (changes from file to file)
>other special groups. Anyone knows how to do this with Python? We have the
>following env: NT4SP4, Python 1.5.1, Win32All 124 ... the lastest one. I
>have already done the script that copies the files, I just need to know how
>to set this permissions.
>Bruno Mattarollo <bruno at>
>... proud to be a PSA member <>

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