Bug or Feature?

Stephan Houben stephan at pcrm.win.tue.nl
Wed Apr 28 02:07:16 EDT 1999

nascheme at ucalgary.ca (Neil Schemenauer) writes:

> I think the Numeric array should be added as a standard module.
> This is on the Python TODO list.  I may do it myself it I get
> time.  I don't know how much of Numeric should be added.  Any
> comments?

That would be cool. The whole LLNL stuff is 763K compressed,
3868K uncompressed. For the various parts we have:

Numerical: 2054K
RNG:         66K
Graphics:  1138K
CXX:        189K
PyHistory:  309K
PyPDB:       65K
Tools:       28K

As you see, the "Numerical" part is by far the biggest, and if you make it
a standard part of Python, you increase the size of the standard distribution
by quite much. So that might be a reason not to do it.

On the other hand, the biggest parts of "Numeric" are the blas lite and the
lapack lite, which together make up 1503K. So perhaps you could rely on
a preinsatalled BLAS and LAPACK, just as the standard Python distribution
relies on the readline library.



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