Python too slow for real world

Christian Tismer tismer at
Fri Apr 23 15:15:58 EDT 1999

Just did a little more cleanup to the code.
This it is:

def read_write_bulk(input, output, exclude):
    bufsize = 1 << 16 ; splitter = ">"
    ignore=exclude.has_key ; split=string.split ; No = None

    buffer = 
    got = len(buffer)
    while 1 :
        pieces = split(buffer, splitter)
        idx = 0
        inner = pieces[1:-1]
        for piece in inner:
            idx = idx+1 ; key = split(piece, No, 1)[0]
            if ignore(key): 
                del inner[idx] ; idx = idx-1
        output.write(string.join(inner, splitter))
        if got==0:
        chunk =
        buffer = splitter+pieces[-1] + chunk
        got = len(chunk)
        if got==0:
            buffer = buffer+splitter # spill last one

Also, I think with this I/O layout, buffering of the
files doesn't count any more at all.
Let me know if it is still much slower than Perl.

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at>
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