Designing Large Systems with Python

Martijn Faassen faassen at
Tue Apr 27 07:04:54 EDT 1999

David Steuber wrote:

[snip interesting discussion on prototype building/RAD of large systems
with Python]

I'm interested in what other people will have to say about this -- don't
know anything myself now though. :)

> One other thing.  Is the documentation that comes with Python
> sufficient to gain mastery of the language, or should I consider
> buying (yet) another book?

If you're already a fairly experienced programmer (with some idea of
what object oriente programming is), the Python tutorial is an excellent
way to get started. The library reference is very helpful. The language
reference is useful when there are tricky bits. Then there's the
newsgroup for questions, of course.

I haven't had any problem figuring out Python using the standard Python
documentation, along with the newsgroup, myself. There *are* still
tricky bits (like using a mutable object as a default argument), but in
general I haven't found Python hard to learn at all.



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