what do you do with Python

Hans Nowak ivnowa at hvision.nl
Wed Apr 14 18:09:14 EDT 1999

On 14 Apr 99, Ce'Nedra took her magical amulet and heard susan e paolini say:

>I never see jobs with Python advertised so what is it that Python does?
>Thanks for the advice

Ask not... what Python can do for you! But what you can do for Python! :^)

Hmm, seriously though, it's good for a lot of things. I'm sure that there are 
lots of people around who can explain it better than I can, but I'll give it 
a try anyway. Python is a highly flexible and dynamic language, useful for 
programs ranging from simple scripts to large projects (for instance, the 
Grail web browser). It's also very readable and thus maintainable. It 
provides ways for object-oriented, procedural and even functional programming 
(to some extent). If Python itself doesn't do what you want, you can extend 
it in C, or possibly another language if your platform allows it.

Myself, I'm using it for just about everything now. I wrote a Magic the 
Gathering database & search engine, a Vedic astrology program, a board game, 
a signature file generator, a spell checker, a card game, an ftp thingy, etc. 
etc. and *lots* of little scripts to make life easier.

Yadda yadda yadda... I'm sure you get the idea. Check out the Python homepage 
(http://www.python.org) for more info and advocacy.

Veel liefs,

+  Hans Nowak  (Zephyr Falcon)
+  Homepage (under construction): http://www.cuci.nl/~hnowak/
+  You call me a masterless man. You are wrong. I am my own master.
+  May a stockbroker give unwanted advice about your wig!

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