what do you do with Python

Martijn Faassen faassen at pop.vet.uu.nl
Wed Apr 14 15:19:46 EDT 1999

susan e paolini wrote:
> I never see jobs with Python advertised so what is it that Python does?
> Thanks for the advice

I write software with Python. Python is one of the nicest programming
languages I know (and I know quite a few). I write scripts to do various
boring database stuff (luckily less boring due to Python), I've written
a CGI script, I'm working on building a web site in Zope (which is a
Python based web application platform). I play around with Python a lot
too. It's great to do prototyping in.

I'm planning to use Python to drive several of my larger pet programming
projects; use fast C or C++ where necessary, but use Python to do the
rest (and the rest is big; user interfaces, analysis of data, scripting,

Anyway, I'm making money doing mostly Python stuff. I introduced Python
here myself, it wasn't advertized, but now they're stuck with it (as
they're going for Zope). Python isn't a bad language to be stuck with;
one of the best languages to be stuck with, in fact, so I'm doing them a
favor. :)

Python, by the way, is a clear, powerful, object oriented interpreted
language with one of the most intelligent and civilized internet user
communities I've yet encountered; and they like a good joke too. :) 

As I've expressed before in previous posts, Python is probably edging
towards the 'zooming off into infinity' part of the exponential growth
curve just about now. One or two years from now no one in computing will
be able to ask your question. 

bold-prediction-mode-off-ly yours,


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