python and SOCKS firewall

David Steuber trashcan at
Wed Apr 28 03:18:57 EDT 1999

"Jeffrey Kunce" <kuncej at> writes:

-> I just found a way to get python on a Windows machine to talk through a SOCKS firewall.

I sympathize with the fact that you are stuck using Novell GroupWise
for USENET.  However, could you please find a way to limit you line
lengths?  You posted long lines that are a PITA to read.  FYI.

David Steuber

If you wish to reply by mail, _please_ replace 'trashcan' with 'david'
in the e-mail address.  The trashcan account really is a trashcan.

"I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person."

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