[python-ldap] Modifying user attributes

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Tue Feb 24 17:32:18 CET 2015

Ziad Badawi wrote:
> l = ldap.initialize('ldaps://domain.local:636')
> l.simple_bind_s('user', 'passwd')
> [..]
> When I execute this, I get
> ldap.SERVER_DOWN: {'info': 'TLS error -5939:No more entries in the
> directory', 'desc': "Can't contact LDAP server"}

This is a TLS related error probably occuring at l.simple_bind_s(). Use
ldap.initialize('ldaps://domain.local:636',trace_level=1) (or higher trace
level) to see details. Beware that password is sent to trace output.

I don't see where you set the CA cert(s) used to validate the server cert.

> and I am not sure what it means, but the strange thing is when I execute
> this another time, it works fine and the attribute is modified
> Any idea what is going on here? and what is the solution?

Is there a load balancer in front of ldaps://domain.local:636 and your
requests are passed to different replicas/instances?

Ciao, Michael.

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