[Python-ideas] Python docs page: In what ways is None special

Rhodri James rhodri at kynesim.co.uk
Thu Aug 16 07:30:08 EDT 2018

On 15/08/18 19:55, Jonathan Fine wrote:
> Rhodri says my version, exaggerated for effect, reads like
>> Sometimes a value is required.  But (pay careful attention
>> to this, it's important and there will be a quiz later)
>> we're not able to provide one.
> Yes, Rhodri, you've understood what I'm doing. I do want the reader to
> pay careful attention. If they only remember one thing, this is what I
> want them to remember.

I think you've missed your target.  What people are going to remember 
from this construction is that sometimes we aren't able to provide a 
value.  Oh, and you said something afterwards, was it about None?

I tend to be prolix and I know it.  I appreciate people who can 
communicate effectively in short sentences.  For the most part that's 
what you do admirably.  This one, however, is too short, and the 
conjunction waves a big red flag to indicate it.

Rhodri James *-* Kynesim Ltd

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