[Python-ideas] PEP 540: Add a new UTF-8 mode

Barry Warsaw barry at python.org
Fri Jan 6 16:20:26 EST 2017

On Jan 06, 2017, at 07:22 AM, Stephan Houben wrote:

>Because I have the impression that nowadays all Linux distributions are UTF-8
>by default and you have to show some bloody-mindedness to end up with a POSIX

It can still happen in some corner cases, even on Debian and Ubuntu where
C.UTF-8 is available and e.g. my desktop defaults to en_US.UTF-8.  For
example, in an sbuild/schroot environment[*], the default locale is C and I've
seen package build failures because of this.  There may be other such "corner
case" environments where this happens too.


[*] Where sbuild/schroot is a very common suite of package building tools.
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