[Python-ideas] Contributing to Python core via an intermediary

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Aug 14 11:03:36 CEST 2013

On 14.08.2013 05:12, Ben Finney wrote:
> Antoine Pitrou <solipsis at pitrou.net>
> writes:
>> Ben, I respect your distrust of the CLA's terms (or of CLAs in
>> general), but does that mean you wouldn't contribute the python-daemon
>> implementation under a CLA?
> I would not sign such a document, correct.
>> AFAICT it has no chance of landing in the official source tree if you
>> aren't willing to sign a CLA for it.
> The work will be licensed to all recipients under the Apache License,
> and maintained as expected. Could one of the recipients be the person
> who makes the submission to the PSF for inclusion in Python core?

Only the copyright holder can enter into the CLA with the PSF,
since it grants additional rights that go beyond the initial
license, namely that of being able to relicense the code under
an open source license.

The purpose of the CLA is to prevent further complicating the
license details of the Python distribution and to create a complete
"paper" trail for each contribution, which tracks the copyright,
so that the PSF can defend the IP rights in the distribution.

Note that this does not necessarily mean that all code going into
the core has to be subject to a CLA. It is still possible to
integrate code which has a license compatible with the
PSF license, but in general, we'd like to avoid the extra work
of having to check and verify such licenses.

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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