[Python-Dev] PEP 370 - per-user scripts directory on Windows

Thomas Heller theller at ctypes.org
Thu Feb 12 09:05:46 CET 2015

Am 10.02.2015 um 18:45 schrieb Steve Dower:
> As we've seen from earlier discussions, the main beneficiaries of
> having Python on PATH are those using the command-line. Most scripts
> are going to make assumptions or work unnecessarily hard to find the
> actual location of the Python version they need.

Maybe I'm more or less alone with the way I work, but I don't like
python.exe on my PATH (and py.exe alloes me to do this).
I start python scripts from the command line either with 'script.py'
or 'py -3.4 script.py' or 'py -2.7 script.py'.

I even like running scripts in this way:
'py -2.7 -m pip install whatever'.  However, this only works when the 
script also can be started as package.  Some packages allow this,
some don't.

Could not py.exe be extended so that it allows starting scripts in a
somewhat similar way?  'py-script -2.7 myscript foo bar baz' ???
Which would execute the script myscript.exe, myscript.bat, myscript.py,
myscript.cmd or whatever is in the Scripts directory on the Python 2.7
installation, without changing PATH presistently?


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