[Python-Dev] New update to PEP397 - Python launcher for Windows

Mark Hammond skippy.hammond at gmail.com
Thu Jul 21 08:35:38 CEST 2011

I've updated PEP 397 - "Python launcher for Windows" based on recent 
discussions and Vinay's implementation.

http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0397/ and a copy is attached for your 

The main changes are:

* All mentions of the Python reference implementation have been removed 
now that a C implementation exists and is a more accurate implementation 
of the PEP than the Python version.

* Some "implementation details" have been removed and links added to the 
launcher docs.  This was done mainly so the implementation is free to 
make changes based on user feedback and still stay true to the PEP. 
Note that the launcher doc link doesn't exist right now, but should 
magically appear over the next couple of days as Vinay pushes some 
changes I just sent him.

* The recommendation to install into System32 has been changed to a 
recommendation to install directly into \Windows, as the System32 
directory is not on the default path for 32bit processes on a 64bit 
Windows.  Vinay even has a version of an MSI installer which installs 
into this directory.  The PEP also gives installers more leeway on where 
to install the launcher if this directory is not writable.

I think this PEP is getting close to being finalized - please suggest 
whatever changes you feel are necessary ASAP as soon I'll be asking for 

Thanks - especially to Vinay for taking on the C implementation!

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