[Python-Dev] I would like an svn account

Antoine Pitrou solipsis at pitrou.net
Sat Jan 3 17:21:16 CET 2009

Ulrich Eckhardt <doomster <at> knuut.de> writes:
> saying "please merge r1234 from 
> foo into trunk" is much easier than downloading and applying a patch, which 
> doesn't even cover all possible changes that SVN does.

I don't know about others, but downloading and applying a patch doesn't
bother me (it's actually much quicker than doing a whole new SVN checkout).
What takes time and effort is to actually check and review the patch (or
branch, or whatever).

> Actually, I'd like such a branch, too, where I could move much quicker and
> in 
> particular with the backing of a VCS to port Python to MS Windows CE. 
> Currently, I'm tempted to pull the code into a private repository, which 
> causes problems when I want to push it back upstream.

You could clone one of the existing DCVS mirrors and open a branch on a public
hosting service (bitbucket.org, launchpad, etc.). The annoying thing, though,
is that it requires your co-workers to learn the DVCS in question.



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