[Python-Dev] Proposal to revert r54204 (splitext change)

Taro taroso at gmail.com
Mon Mar 19 21:46:59 CET 2007

On Windows it's correct that splitext(".txt")[1] == splitext("foo.txt")[1]
and an implementation in which this is not true would be considered buggy.
On *ix it's correct that splitext(".txt")[1] != splitext("foo.txt")[1] and
the current behaviour is considered buggy. Since programmer expectations are
platform-specific, regardless of whether keywords are used or not, why not
make the default behaviour platform-specific and document that it's so?

Alternatively, if a new path implementation ever gets up, a more neutral
solution might be to have a platform-specific Path.filetype, which could
handle Mac resources..

Cheers, -T
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