[Python-Dev] Socket Timeouts patch 1519025

Tony Nelson tonynelson at georgeanelson.com
Sun Jul 23 19:26:59 CEST 2006

I request a review of my patch (1519025) to get socket timeouts to work
properly with errors and signals.  I don't expect this patch would make it
into 2.5, but perhaps it could be in 2.5.1, as it fixes a long-standing
bug.  I know that people are busy with getting 2.5 out the door, but it
would be helpful for me to know if my current patch is OK before I start on
another patch to make socket timeouts more useful.  There is also a version
of the patch for 2.4, which would make yum nicer in Fedora 4 and 5, and I
think that passing a review would make the patch more acceptable to
Fedora's maintainers.

My next patch will, if it works, make socket timeouts easier to use
per-thread, allow for the timing of entire operations rather than just
timing transaction phases, allow for setting an acceptable rate for file
transfers, and should be completely backward compatible, in that old code
would be unaffected and new code would work as well as possible now on
older unpatched versions.  That's my plan, anyway.  It would build on my
current patch, at least in its principles.
TonyN.:'                       <mailto:tonynelson at georgeanelson.com>
      '                              <http://www.georgeanelson.com/>

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