[Python-Dev] Proposed beta 2 changes (Q for Anthony/Neal)

Nick Coghlan ncoghlan at iinet.net.au
Tue Jul 4 14:32:38 CEST 2006

I've got a couple of changes ready to go for beta 2, but need a go ahead from 
one of the release managers before committing either of them:

1. Finishing the __module_name__ workaround to allow relative imports from the 
main module when using -m.

   I'd really like to finish this, because having PEP 328 and 338 not playing 
well together is a wart that's quite visible to end users. I'd rather not have 
people's first encounter with the features provided by either PEP involve 
discovering that they're "broken".

   The patch to fix this also takes care of adding a couple of paragraphs to 
the tutorial about explicit relative imports (which aren't currently written 
up in the main documentation). The patch is attached directly to the beta 1 
bug report about the problem [1].

   (Guido gave a +1 to the concept, but explicitly deferred to Anthony and 
Neal as to whether or not the fix should go in for beta 2)

2. Adding an 'ignore' filter for ImportWarning at the end of warnings.py

   This is a safe and easy fix to silence import warning spam for people that 
don't want it. I don't believe there are any Pending Deprecation Warnings at 
the moment, so -Wd at the command line would be sufficient to enable 
ImportWarning for people that want to see it.
   Adding the line "warnings.simplefilter('default', ImportWarning)" to 
sitecustomize.py would be sufficient for organisations to turn the warning on 
across the board if they so chose.
   The reason I haven't checked this in directly is that there's no point if 
Anthony and/or Neal intend to accept one of the patches that tries to make the 
import machinery more intelligent about missing __init__.py files.


[1] http://www.python.org/sf/1510172

Nick Coghlan   |   ncoghlan at gmail.com   |   Brisbane, Australia

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