[Python-Dev] 2.3.5 schedule, and something I'd like to get in

Michael Hudson mwh at python.net
Wed Jan 5 14:49:05 CET 2005

"Martin v. Löwis" <martin at v.loewis.de> writes:

> Bob Ippolito wrote:
>> It doesn't for reasons I care not to explain in depth, again.
>> Search  the pythonmac-sig archives for longer explanations.  The
>> gist is that  you specifically do not want to link directly to the
>> framework at all  when building extensions.
> Because an Apple-built extension then may pick up a user-installed
> Python? Why can this problem not be solved by adding -F options,
> as Jack Jansen proposed?
>> This is not the wrong way to do it.
> I'm not convinced.

Martin, can you please believe that Jack, Bob, Ronald et al know what
they are talking about here?


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