[Python-Dev] migration away from SourceForge?

Christopher Blunck blunck@gst.com
Tue, 15 Apr 2003 10:11:42 -0400

On Tue, Apr 15, 2003 at 07:36:17AM -0500, Skip Montanaro wrote:
> Nope.  I was just tossing out an idea based on my growing frustration with
> SF's poor performance.  I see the abysmal CVS performance Tim referred to
> and also find the bug tracker performance to be problematic (web access,
> submissions and updates are often very slow and sometimes fail, forcing me
> to sit around waiting for them to complete and then going back to check that
> my submission/change actually worked).


Not to mention file uploads that don't actually upload, erroneous error 
messages when posting patches and/or bugs, and an inability to map bugs to
patches as a built in feature.


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