[Python-Dev] Memory leaks and uninitialized memory

Neal Norwitz neal@metaslash.com
Sun, 04 Nov 2001 10:34:11 -0500

I just submitted a bunch of patches to SF to correct memory leaks, 
possible memory leaks, and uninitialized memory reads (UMR).  
The problems were found by using purify on the regression tests.

There are still some problems that I have not be able to correct.
Here is a list of the biggest problems, the details are at the
end of this mail:

    test_long_future - leaks 43124 bytes (future division on longs)
    test_asynchat (and others) - leaks 2k+ socketmodule.c:633
    test___all__ (and others) - UMR marshal.c:438
    test_parser - leaks 5k - parsermodule.c:721 recurses to line 716

There are other smaller problems, but this mail is already quite long.
Once the bigger problems are resolved, I can work more on the small ones.

Let me know if there's more info necessary to fix these problems.
Also, if anyone wants to see the complete list of regression tests
run and the results, let me know.

What is the best format to post this info?  Would there be a better
way to deal with these kinds or problems?


        there are memory leak problems with binary operations
        which use longs and future division:

            the following code leaks 32 bytes:

                 >>> from __future__ import division
                 >>> 5L / 3L

            here's the stack trace, using current CVS snapshot (from Sat):
               malloc         [rtlib.o]
               muladd1        [longobject.c:51]
               PyLong_FromString [longobject.c:1027]
               parsenumber    [compile.c:1096]
               com_atom       [compile.c:1461]
               com_power      [compile.c:1853]
               com_factor     [compile.c:1982]
               com_term       [compile.c:1994]
               com_arith_expr [compile.c:2027]
               com_shift_expr [compile.c:2053]
               com_and_expr   [compile.c:2079]
               com_xor_expr   [compile.c:2101]
               com_expr       [compile.c:2123]
               com_comparison [compile.c:2177]
               com_and_test   [compile.c:2252]
               com_test       [compile.c:2353]

               muladd1        [longobject.c:51]
               PyLong_FromString [longobject.c:1027]
               parsenumber    [compile.c:1096]
               com_atom       [compile.c:1461]
               com_power      [compile.c:1853]
               com_factor     [compile.c:1982]
               com_term       [compile.c:1992]
               com_arith_expr [compile.c:2027]
               com_shift_expr [compile.c:2053]
               com_and_expr   [compile.c:2079]
               com_xor_expr   [compile.c:2101]
               com_expr       [compile.c:2123]
               com_comparison [compile.c:2177]
               com_and_test   [compile.c:2252]
               com_test       [compile.c:2353]

           here's a different stack trace if it helps:
               x_add          [longobject.c:51]
               long_add       [longobject.c:1408]
               binary_op1     [abstract.c:343]
               PyNumber_Add   [abstract.c:578]
               eval_frame     [ceval.c:960]
               PyEval_EvalCodeEx [ceval.c:2549]
               fast_function  [ceval.c:3116]
               eval_frame     [ceval.c:1996]
               PyEval_EvalCodeEx [ceval.c:2549]
               PyEval_EvalCode [ceval.c:483]
               PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx [import.c:494]
               load_source_module [import.c:764]
               load_module    [import.c:1348]
               import_submodule [import.c:1887]
               load_next      [import.c:1743]


    memory is allocated from socketmodule.c:633 (getaddr)
    it appears the memory is deallocated, but purify is still complaining
    here's the stack trace:

               malloc         [rtlib.o]
               __IPv6_alloc   [getipnodeby.c]
               getipnodebyname [getipnodeby.c]
               get_addr       [getaddrinfo.c]
               getaddrinfo    [libsocket.so.1]
               setipaddr      [socketmodule.c:633]
               getsockaddrarg [socketmodule.c:821]
               PySocketSock_bind [socketmodule.c:1186]
               fast_cfunction [ceval.c:3086]
               eval_frame     [ceval.c:1979]
               PyEval_EvalCodeEx [ceval.c:2549]
               PyEval_EvalCode [ceval.c:483]
               PyImport_ExecCodeModuleEx [import.c:494]
               load_source_module [import.c:764]
               load_module    [import.c:1348]
               import_submodule [import.c:1887]


      I'm not sure if this is a problem in Python or not.
      It's possible that the problem is atof()/strtod()
      reads the string in 4 byte increments.

      This is occurring while in:
            __big_float_times_power [libc.so.1]
            __decimal_to_binary_integer [libc.so.1]
            __decimal_to_unpacked [libc.so.1]
            decimal_to_double [libc.so.1]
            strtod         [libc.so.1]
            r_object       [marshal.c:438]
            r_object       [marshal.c:524]
            r_object       [marshal.c:595]
            PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString [marshal.c:741]
            PyMarshal_ReadLastObjectFromFile [marshal.c:700]
            load_source_module [import.c:582]
            load_module    [import.c:1348]
            import_submodule [import.c:1887]
            load_next      [import.c:1743]
            import_module_ex [import.c:1594]
            PyImport_ImportModuleEx [import.c:1635]
      Reading 2 bytes from 0xffbe9034 on the stack.
      Address 0xffbe9034 is 452 bytes below frame pointer in function __decimal_to_unpacked.


         This memory was allocated from:
               malloc         [rtlib.o]
               PyNode_AddChild [node.c:35]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:716]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
               build_node_children [parsermodule.c:721]
         Block of 20 bytes (69 times); last block at 0x4fc238