[Python-Dev] RE: distutils change breaks code, Pyfort

Paul F. Dubois paul@pfdubois.com
Sat, 24 Mar 2001 17:43:52 -0800

Pyfort is the kind of package the change was intended for, and it does have
a version number. But I have other packages, that cannot stand on their own,
that are part of a bigger suite of packages, and dist is never going to be
used. They don't have a MANIFEST, etc. The setup.py file is used instead of
a Makefile. I don't think that it is logical to require a version number
that is not used in that case. We also raise the "entry fee" for learning to
use Distutils or starting a new package.

In the case of Pyfort there is NO setup.py, it is just running a command on
the fly. But I've already fixed it with version 6.3.

I think we have all focused on the public distribution problem but in fact
Distutils is just great as an internal tool for building large software
projects and that is how I use it. I agree that if I want to use sdist,
bdist etc. that I need to set the version. But then, I need to do other
things too in that case.

-----Original Message-----
From: Martin v. Loewis [mailto:martin@loewis.home.cs.tu-berlin.de]
Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 4:47 PM
To: paul@pfdubois.com
Cc: python-dev@python.org
Subject: distutils change breaks code, Pyfort

> The  requirement of  a  version argument  to  the distutils  command
> breaks Pyfort and  many of my existing packages.  These packages are
> not intended  for use with  the distribution commands and  a package
> version number would be meaningless.

So  this  is  clearly  an  incompatible  change.  According  with  the
procedures in PEP 5, there  should be a warning issued before aborting
setup. Later  (major) releases of  Python, or distutils,  could change
the warning into an error.

Nevertheless, I agree with the  change in principal. Distutils can and
should  enforce a  certain  amount  of policy;  among  this, having  a
version number sounds like a  reasonable requirement - even though its
primary  use is for  building (and  uploading) distributions.  Are you
saying that  Pyfort does not have a  version number? On SF,  I can get
version 6.3...
