[Python-Dev] Suggestion to Windows- and Mac-library people

Eric S. Raymond esr@thyrsus.com
Sat, 10 Jun 2000 22:14:56 -0400

Neil Hodgson <nhodgson@bigpond.net.au>:
> > It fetches the contents of an URL for inspection.  Where else would you
> put it?
>    os?
>    Or a submodule of os.
>    The current os has a bunch of executable-oriented process creation and
> managment functions. On Macintosh and Windows, data-oriented process
> creation would be useful.

I don't really care where it lives, and will cheerfully defer to those 
with religious beliefs about the namespace ;-).

If it's not obvious, this flurry of library suggestions you've been
seeing from me lately all come straight out of the CML2 project.  I
use the urlbrowse() function to make URLs in help windows into live
objects that you can click on.
		<a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr">Eric S. Raymond</a>

This would be the best of all possible worlds, if there were
no religion in it.
	-- John Adams, in a letter to Thomas Jefferson.