[Python-Dev] Package ambiguities

Christopher Petrilli petrilli@amber.org
Wed, 7 Jun 2000 18:51:50 -0400

Barry A. Warsaw [bwarsaw@python.org] wrote:
> >>>>> "JH" == Jeremy Hylton <jeremy@beopen.com> writes:
>     JH> Gordon's comments are on the money.  An import in a module
>     JH> inside a package should be fully qualified.  I'd put that in
>     JH> the style guide if it were up to me (and, of course, it's
>     JH> not).
> I concur on both points.  BTW, one of the Things I'd Like To Do, is
> update and flesh out the style guide.  It's incomplete in places and
> out of date in others.  If someone else has the gumption to lead this
> effort, I'd be happy to send my comments instead.

Something we futzed with at Digital Creations was "commentable" or
discussable web pages.  This would be a great use for this.  If you
took and made each basic topic/issue a page, and let people "discuss"
them.  A nice threaded discussion could add a lot of insight.   This
is versus a wiki where it's more "free for all", which isn't really
appropraiate for a "guide".

| Christopher Petrilli
| petrilli@amber.org