[Python-Dev] Python Consortium Meeting News

Andrew Kuchling akuchlin@mems-exchange.org
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 10:20:26 -0400

On Sat, Jul 22, 2000 at 01:41:03PM -0400, Tim Peters wrote:
>since 1.5.2 was released to the public".  The great recent burst of
>Python-Dev activity in the CVS tree was not done at CNRI, or the bulk of it
>even by people with any connection present or past to CNRI.

The problem there is Unicode support, which has changed quite a bit
since that time -- the default encoding, if nothing else.  1.6 will
probably need to have Unicode disabled, or have support that's
incompatible with 2.0, or someone will have to backport the current
code to 1.6. (Better you guys than me, though...)
