[Python-Dev] PEP 214, extended print statement

Tim Peters tim_one@email.msn.com
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 23:47:04 -0400

[Greg Ewing]
> Looks reasonably good. Not entirely sure I like the look
> of >> though -- a bit too reminiscent of C++.
> How about
>    print to myfile, x, y, z

[Barry Warsaw]
> Not bad at all.  Seems quite Pythonic to me.

Me too!  +1 on changing ">>" to "to" here.  Then we can introduce

   x = print from myfile, 3

as a synonym for

   x = myfile.read(3)

too <wink>.

People should know that Guido doesn't seem to like the idea of letting print
specify the output target at all.  "Why not?"  "Because people say print is
pretty useless anyway, for example, when they want to write to something
other than stdout."  "But that's the whole point of this change!  To make
print more useful!"  "Well, but then ...".  After years of channeling, you
get a feel for when to change the subject and bring it up again later as if
it were brand new <wink>.

half-of-channeling-is-devious-persuasion-ly y'rs  - tim