[Python-Dev] PEP 214, extended print statement

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@beopen.com
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 23:17:23 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "GE" == Greg Ewing <greg@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz> writes:

    GE> Looks reasonably good. Not entirely sure I like the look
    GE> of >> though -- a bit too reminiscent of C++.

    GE> How about

    GE>    print to myfile, x, y, z

Not bad at all.  Seems quite Pythonic to me.

    GE> with 'to' as a non-reserved keyword. Or even

    GE>    print to myfile: x, y, z

    GE> but that might be a bit too radical!

Definitely so.
