[Python-Dev] Cookies.py in the core (was Tangent to Re: [Tutor] CGI and Python (fwd))

Barry A. Warsaw bwarsaw@beopen.com
Thu, 3 Aug 2000 00:11:59 -0400 (EDT)

>>>>> "GvR" == Guido van Rossum <guido@beopen.com> writes:

    GvR> Are you sure it's a good thing to add LGPL'ed code to the
    GvR> Python standard library though?  AFAIK it is still more
    GvR> restrictive than the old CWI license and probably also more
    GvR> restrictive than the new CNRI license; so it could come under
    GvR> scrutiny and prevent closed, proprietary software development
    GvR> using Python...

I don't know, however I have a version of the file with essentially no
license on it:

# Id: Cookie.py,v 2.4 1998/02/13 16:42:30 timo Exp
#  by  Timothy O'Malley <timo@bbn.com> Date: 1998/02/13 16:42:30
#  Cookie.py is an update for the old nscookie.py module.
#    Under the old module, it was not possible to set attributes,
#    such as "secure" or "Max-Age" on key,value granularity.  This
#    shortcoming has been addressed in Cookie.py but has come at
#    the cost of a slightly changed interface.  Cookie.py also
#    requires Python-1.5, for the re and cPickle modules.
#  The original idea to treat Cookies as a dictionary came from
#  Dave Mitchel (davem@magnet.com) in 1995, when he released the
#  first version of nscookie.py.

Is that better or worse? <wink>.  Back in '98, I actually asked him to
send me an LGPL'd copy because that worked better for Mailman.  We
could start with Tim's pre-LGPL'd version and backport the minor mods
I've made.

BTW, I've recently tried to contact Tim, but the address in the file
