Indentation of Python interpreter C source (was Re: [Python-Dev] Re: [Python-chec....)

Tim Peters
Sun, 2 Apr 2000 01:18:31 -0500

[Peter Funk]
> -1 for C reformatting.  The 4 space intendation seesm reasonable for
> Python sources, but I disaggree for C code.  C is not Python.

Code is code.  The project I work on professionally is a half million lines
of C++, and 4-space indents are rigidly enforced -- works great.  It makes
just as much sense for C as for Python, and for all the same reasons.  The
one formal study I've seen on this showed that comprehension levels peaked
at indent levels of 3 and 4, dropping off on both sides.

However, tabs in C is one of Guido's endearing inconsistencies, and we don't
want to lose the only two of those he has <wink> (his other is trying to
avoid curly braces whenever possible in C, perhaps out of the same perverse
sense of pride I used to take in avoiding redundant semicolons in Pascal
<;{} wink>.