[Python-Dev] Re: Import redesign [Warning: INCLUDES RANT]

M.-A. Lemburg mal@lemburg.com
Sat, 04 Dec 1999 12:04:15 +0100

Fredrik Lundh wrote:
> <rant size="major">
> frankly, this "design by committee" (or is it "design by
> people who've never even been close to implementing
> something because they thought it was too hard, and
> thus think they're qualified to argue against those of
> us who didn't even realize that it was a hard problem"?)

Huh ? Two points:

1. How can you be sure that people haven't tried
   implementing their ideas and for various reasons
   have come to some conclusion about those ideas ?

2. Would you seriously disqualify people from joining a
   discussion by the simple arguement that they
   have not implemented anything yet ?

Just take the Unicode discussion as example: it was
very lively and resulted in a decent proposal which
is now subject to further investigation by the
implementors ;-) Many people have joined in even though
they did not and/or will not implement anything. Still,
their arguments were very useful to show up weaknesses
in the proposal.

Now, let's rather have a beer in the pub around the corner
than go on ranting about :-).

Marc-Andre Lemburg
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