[Python-bugs-list] PRIVATE: Unhandled exception in python.exe (MSVCRTD.DLL): 0Xc0000005: Access Violation (PR#364)

Mark Hammond mhammond@skippinet.com.au
Wed, 21 Jun 2000 09:57:40 +1000

It appears you have simply quoted the code from the MSVC runtime library.

Can you give us some details about the script that is running?  Does it use
any extension modules?

You should also be able to provide the complete stack trace when the
program crashes, as shown in the MSVC debugger "Call Stack" window.

If you can provide this, we will be able to look into it further.  However,
Python is used successfully in many many projects.  The most likely
candidate is your own C code, if any exists in the project.  If not, the
next most likely candidate is mixing the CRT library versions - you mention
MSVCRTD.DLL.  You must ensure that _all_ code loaded, including Python
itself, is using this debug DLL.  This generally means you need to be
running with the "_d" versions of the Python binaries, and with all your
code compiled with "/MDd".

Carefully check the MSVC "Output" window - there should be exactly one
reference to "msvcrt.dll" _or_ exactly one reference to "msvcrtd.dll" - if
references to both exist, or the same DLL name from different directories
has been loaded twice, that is your problem.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: python-bugs-list-admin@python.org
> [mailto:python-bugs-list-admin@python.org]On Behalf Of
> tong@aristotech.com
> Sent: Wednesday, 21 June 2000 8:39 AM
> To: python-bugs-list@python.org
> Cc: bugs-py@python.org
> Subject: [Python-bugs-list] PRIVATE: Unhandled exception in python.exe
> (MSVCRTD.DLL): 0Xc0000005: Access Violation (PR#364)
> Full_Name: Siu-Tong Hui
> Version: 1.5
> OS: win NT
> Submission from: node-d8e9472.powerinter.net (
> We just moved to msvc6.0 and since then, some of our developers
> (including
> myself)will crash on following every time we run from msvc debugger:
> c:\vsvc98\crt\src\sbheap.c
>     //  test if previous entry was free with an index change or allocated
>     if (!((sizePrev & 1) == 0 && indPrev == indEntry))
>     {
>         //  connect pEntry entry to indEntry
>         //  add entry to the start of the bucket list
>         pHead = (PENTRY)((char *)&pGroup->listHead[indEntry] -
> sizeof(int));
>         pEntry->pEntryNext = pHead->pEntryNext;
>         pEntry->pEntryPrev = pHead;
>         pHead->pEntryNext = pEntry;
>         pEntry->pEntryNext->pEntryPrev = pEntry;
> I'm using NT4.0 service pack 6 but developers who use service
> pack4 and pack5
> also encouter this problem.
> We use python/tk.
> _______________________________________________
> Python-bugs-list maillist  -  Python-bugs-list@python.org
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